In all honesty, you should take up the inquiries with the developers of Aion themselves. They are the ones who licensed the engine to be used in the game. Any gameplay issues, 3D included, should be directed to them. They are the one who should know what limitations, if any, the engine has as well as any issues that may arise as a result of making changes to the engine itself.
While the Crytek engine is a byproduct of the Crytek company. The company only licenses out the engine. So whatever the licensing company does with the copy of the engine is their own business, even if it means fixing any small bugs or introducing/fabricating new ones.
The company that licenses the engine out actually is often responsible for certain maintenance to that engine even after the contractor adapts it... it depends on the case, I would guess.
Either way, I dount triplehead falls under something Crytek must supply.