[quote]I have been reading all the applicable threads concerning Eyefinity and I have even purchased the Dell adapter but I am at a crossroads.. I haven't bought the 5870 for 1 reason, I currently own a Dell 3007WFP-HC 30 inch and 2X 2007FP..
I have been reading and understand that currently 20inch port/30inch land/20inch port is not supported by Eyefinity.. It seems this would be a software/driver related issue because all the monitors have the same 1200 vertical resoultion..
My question is this:
Will Eyefinity iron this out in future driver releases? Can we expect to run Portrait + Landscape + Portrait / 20" + 30" + 20" display configurations in the future? Mainly a questioon for Dave but any feedback or input would be appreciated....
I think you meant the three would have a vertical height of 1600 res ? :)
I am in the same boat as you, I have the Apple 30" Display, and would love to keep it, and just add two 20 flipped up in Portrait next to either side of my 30". It seems like an easy thing for Eyefinity to do, mainly because all three would have the exact same vertical height of 1600 resolution, so why not allow that to work ?
I could imagine, that if the bezel feature will be implemented by rendering a larger screen and cutting it off, the drivers will be just a step away from mixed resolutions and 2 steps away from mixed orientation displays.
Just think of it
with a 1920x1200 in the middle and two 1600x1200 4:3 displays on the sides a 1920x1200 image could be rendered on the sidescreens, cut off on the bezel side to compensate for the bezel and cut off on the other side for the smaller horizontal rezolution.
It would be a stupid waste of rendering power, but it would give more options for ppl who already have 4:3's or are concerned about deskspace, and maybe it can be optimized so there is not so much overrendering.
with 2560x1600 + two 1200x1600 in portrait mode it could be done similarly. but the overrendering would get ludicrous. 2560x1600 cropped to 1200x1600 and then rotated.
that is if the driver is inflexible enough that it only works with same rendering resolution for every display, but even then completely mixed setups without matching horizontal / vertical setups could be handled in a similar way by overrendering and cropping.
An intelligent solution would just give the game a resolution of all displays combined (5120x1200 example1, 4960x1600 example2), maybe overrender a little for the bezels. Sounds doable, the question is if ATI has the resources for such a niche feature.
In a perfect world the upcoming ATI bezel management feature would also implement
+ clockwise/ccw rotation of displays(mixed orientation)
+ zoom/scaling, to compensate for different pixel density displays(imagine a 22" and two 20" all running 1680x1050)
+ transition (imagine a big screen in the middle and two small on the sides with smaller vertical resolution, relative positioning is needed for proper bottom/top/middle alignment)
Its a shame, misleading and unintuitive that the new series has only 2 clock generators.
I am holding onto my TH2Go for now, there is no way I would buy 2 expensive active adapters just to get my old 3 dvi displays + a hdmi hdtv running, not to mention that I would need to get the 6port card for that despite the smaller card having 4 ports.