I really hope they implement the way Matrox does..
...The[b] matrox way is simple and works ...
Which is why I said... "Best of both worlds would be to give us the choice between the two methods, preferably on the fly via hotkeys..."
The Matrox method is fine but the whole point of Eyefinity is the ability to use multiple screens, not just three. If you add further screens then those blank strips on the outermost edges become even larger.
I see that as a waste of monitor space. At least with the option to use a virtual larger resolution then you can make use of that space. The method is effectively the same just that you have the option of making use of the space with the acceptance of a potential performance hit because of the larger resolution.
I.e. give us three options to manage bezels.
1. None - resolution is same as total screen resolution
2. 'Matrox' method - resolution is the same as total screen resolution but you sacrifice vertical space on the extremes to compensate for bezel size.
3. Virtual resolution method - resolution is increased to compensate for vertical space lost to bezel management.
Setup should really be no different than the current bezel management in the Matrox software. You set it once for your system.