Can anyone confirm if the patch is a solid FOV fix? Or does it reset still?
WEll someone on that link I posted (last page of comments) said their 100FOV finally sticks so I'd take it as confirmation, it would be pretty stupid for them to put the adjuster in and not have it stick now I supppose. ;)
I just hope it goes higher than 100 (it was misinformation that it did 120 in the retail because I was told by more sources that it only did 100) but either way, i'm keen to see what max FOV it has available and if this is ok for triple screens (not that i'm one of them, i'll be happy with anything over 100 on my single 16:10)
edit > found this thread on Beyondunreal 'patch issues' and one person said he couldn't move the slider, however it's still worth testing to see if 'fov XXX' sticks from the console as that's good enough until the patch is final (remember it is beta).
I'm sure there will be lots of smaller issues for different people but that's why the patch isn't meant to be available to the general public yet. :)