Most crapbox DLC is multiplayer...
Stop twisting your words.
I've said singleplayer from the begining dude, and I have said "crapbox" DLC is bad from the begining, so stop twisting MY words (again), thanks.
This entire thread frankly reads like "cranky old PC gamer fears change." There's always benefits and downsides to new ideas and industry changes and you support the stuff you agree with and reject the stuff you don't, but a lot of you just seem to hate the new ideas because they are different, not what you are used to, and that upsets you. Fear is a prime motivator for negativity and I see that on PC forums across the Internet, this being no exception.
I don't suffer from that crap, I play games because I enjoy them... I spend money on them because they are worth it, and again, because I enjoy them. I pay $60 for MW2 with a smile on my face and I paid $65 for the collector's edition of Dragon Age with a smile on my face. If DLC is good, I will buy it, if it isn't, I don't.
So you guys go play politics and wish it was still 1995, I'll be over here playing some awesome games. Thanks.